

When you use your phone for long amounts of time, you are draining its battery. Therefore, after a certain point, it will need to recharge. This is similar to one’s brain because people need to recharge their brains. A way to do this is by taking breaks. Yes, it is okay to take breaks. :) During these breaks, you can do anything that you enjoy, such as taking a nap, exercising, baking, or watching TV. If you do not take breaks, then you can reach the point of becoming burnt out where you become physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. Burnout reduces productivity and energy while increasing the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. This may lead to you feeling like there is nothing else you can do or give. Therefore, it is important to take breaks to recharge. You will end up being happier and more productive.


Smile 😁


Riddles of the Day!